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Percentage to CGPA Calculator

Enter your percentage and select grading scale.

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Percentage to CGPA Calculator

Converting your percentage into CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) has never been easier! Our Percentage to CGPA Calculator is designed to simplify this essential academic conversion for students worldwide. Whether you’re a student tracking your academic performance or an institution streamlining assessments, our calculator is the perfect tool to ensure accurate and effortless results.

This tool caters to various grading systems, including 10.0, 4.0, 5.0, 7.0, and even the 20.0 scale, making it globally adaptable. Whether you're studying in India, the USA, Australia, Europe, or any other part of the world, we’ve got you covered.

If you're tracking your academic progress or planning the CGPA you aim to achieve, our converter is here to help. In addition to converting percentage to a CGPA, our CGPA to 4.0 GPA calculator is particularly valuable for those exploring opportunities to study abroad.

Simple Percentage to CGPA


Simple Interface

Designed with simplicity in mind, our calculator features an intuitive interface with just two input fields. These fields allow users to seamlessly input their percentage and select the grading scale without any confusion. This approach ensures that users of all countries, despite their technical skills, can navigate the tool effortlessly, making it highly accessible and convenient.

Global Applicability

Our converter supports multiple grading scales, including 10.0, 4.0, 5.0, 7.0, and 20.0. This flexibility ensures it caters to the needs of students and professionals across diverse educational systems worldwide. Whether you are following an international curriculum or a region-specific grading system, the calculator seamlessly bridges the gap.

Accurate Conversion

The algorithm we are using behind provides precise conversions across all supported grading scales. For the 10.0 grading scale, it involves using 9.5 CGPA, a method widely accepted for its accuracy and consistency. For other grading scales the conversion is based on proportional adjustments.

Graphical Representation

The calculator features a graphical representation of your inputs to provide you with a simple analysis of your academic progress. As you initiate the conversion, three bars of the Grading Scale, CGPA, and Percentage fill up, offering a clear visual depiction of your academic progress.