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CGPA to Percentage Calculator

Enter your CGPA and select grading scale.

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CGPA to Percentage Calculator

Welcome to our CGPA to Percentage Calculator – your ultimate tool for effortlessly converting your Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) into a percentage. Whether you’re a student or professional, understanding your academic performance in percentage terms is often essential for applications, evaluations, or meeting specific requirements. Our calculator simplifies this process with just a few clicks.

With support for multiple grading scales, including 10.0, 4.0, 5.0, 7.0, and 20.0, this tool caters to a global audience. Whether you're studying in India, the USA, Europe, or any other part of the world, we’ve got you covered.

If you're monitoring your academic progress or planning the percentage you need to achieve in the future, our converter is here for you. Along with converting CGPA to a percentage, our CGPA to 4.0 GPA calculator is especially useful if you're considering studying abroad.

Simple CGPA to Percentage


Easy-to-Use Interface

This calculator features an intuitive design that makes it incredibly easy to use. It includes two primary input fields: one where users can enter their CGPA and another to select the relevant grading scale. This simple structure ensures users can quickly and accurately convert their CGPA into a percentage, regardless of their academic system.

Diverse Grading Scales

Our tool accommodates grading systems from around the globe, making it suitable for students and professionals in diverse academic environments. Whether your scale is out of 10.0, 4.0, 5.0, 7.0, or even 20.0, the calculator adapts seamlessly to ensure accurate conversions every time.

Accurate Results

The formula behind the conversion is designed to cater to the unique requirements of each grading scale. For a 10.0 scale, the calculation involves using 9.5 CGPA (a widely recognized standard). For other scales, the conversion maintains precision and consistency based on global standards.

Visual Bars

To provide you with a simple scrutiny of your results, the calculator includes three visual bars: Grading Scale, CGPA, and Percentage. These bars fill up based on the information you provide, offering a clear and visual representation of your academic progress.